Deborah N. Huntzinger, Abhishek Chatterjee, David J.P. Moore, Sara Ohrel, Tristram O. West, Benjamin Poulter, Anthony P. Walker, John Dunne, Sarah R. Cooley, Anna M. Michalak, Maria Tzortziou, Lori Bruhwiler, Adam Rosenblatt, Yiqi Luo, Peter J. Marcotullio, Joellen L. Russell

Future of the North American Carbon Cycle (Ch. 19, SOCCR2)

November 2018, Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report, Chapter 19.
DOI: 10.7930/SOCCR2.2018.Ch19

Katja Fennel, Simone R. Alin, Leticia Barbero, Wiley Evans, Timothée Bourgeois, Sarah R. Cooley, John Dunne, Richard A. Feely, Jose Martin Hernandez-Ayon, Chuanmin Hu, Xinping Hu, Steven E. Lohrenz, Frank Muller-Karger, Raymond G. Najjar, Lisa Robbins, Joellen L. Russell, Elizabeth H. Shadwick, Samantha Siedlecki, Nadja Steiner, Daniela Turk, Penny Vlahos, Zhaohui Aleck Wang

Coastal Ocean and Continental Shelves (Ch. 16, SOCCR2)

November 2018, Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report, Chapter 16.
DOI: 10.7930/ SOCCR2.2018.Ch16

Joellen L. Russell, Igor Kamenkovich, Cecilia Bitz, Rafe Ferrari, Sarah T. Gille, Paul J. Goodman, Robert Hallberg, Karina Khazmutdinova, Kenneth S. Johnson, Irina Marinov, Matthew Mazloff, Jorge L. Sarmiento, Kevin Speer, Lynne D. Talley, and Rik Wanninkhof

Metrics for the Evaluation of the Southern Ocean in Coupled Climate Models and Earth System Models

February 2018, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans ., Published
DOI: 10.1002/2017JC013461

